Ensuring Compliance To Gabon Import/Export Certification Programme

What You Need To Know To Export To Gabon

Ensuring Compliance To Gabon Conformity Assesment Programme (CAP)

With a rapidly expanding market for imports in Gabon and to help fulfill its responsibility to protect Gabonese consumers, Agence GAbonaise de NORmalisation (AGANOR), the Standards Body of Gabon has implemented guidelines called the PROgramme Gabonais d’Evaluation de la Conformité (PROGEC) for exports to Gabon. It is a conformity assessment and verification procedure applied to specific goods/products in the exporting country, to ensure their compliance with applicable Gabonese Technical Regulations and Mandatory Standards or approved equivalent International Standards.

Consignments subject to PROGEC must be accompanied with a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) for Customs clearance in Gabon. Regulated product shipments arriving at Gabon Ports and Borders without a CoC will be liable for a penalty fee.

This site has been designed by Intertek, an AGANOR Accredited Inspection Body to support companies exporting to Gabon with all the information they need about the Gabonese Conformity Assessment Programme called PROGEC (Programme Gabonais d’Evaluation de Conformité) and its requirements.

You will also find contact information and a resource area containing essential documentation for everything you need to know about exporting to Gabon.

Gabon Business Export Guide
Resource Centre
Exporting To Africa Video